1:1 WORK
How does your Divine Feminine essence express herself?
My feminine loves to play with flowers and colours and feel free and be innocently naked. She likes to create beautiful things for no reason other than the childlike joy of it, such as making patterns on the beach out of stones. She is whimsical and mystical and dreamy. She loves to...
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Listening to the whispers of the universe
It is so important for me to take time to just BE, and attune to a place of deep peace within. I love to do this out in nature and my newest favourite spot is the enormous lava field nearby where I live, which has an incredible raw energy. So much gratitude for this land! But we can do this...
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Manifesting and miracles
Amazing miracles have unfolded for me this week and so much gratitude is in my heart! I love living on La Palma and feel very settled here. This truly feels like a place I could build a long-term home and place to do my work. But I have been acutely aware of the looming Brexit deadline on...
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Divine Feminine Ecstasy
It feels like right now I am in a constant cycle of death and rebirth, being called to let go of everything I have been unconsciously holding on to that is limiting me. I have been connecting very deeply with Gaia during this time, allowing her to hold me as I surrender and then nestle in her...
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Reclaiming the power of our sacred sexuality
Sexual energy is pure life force creative energy: it literally has the power to create new life, and it can be channelled to create anything else we wish too. It is this energy that allows us to tap into our true power as divine creative beings, here on earth to play and explore and make magic...
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Owning my own pleasure
”I open myself to receive unimaginable pleasure.”
This was an intention that came through for me during a meditation with Isis back in September, when I first began working with my new coach for feminine embodiment work. I was rather blown away that Isis gave me such...
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We are evolving!
Last night I had a lot of intense energy moving through my body and it jolted me wide awake. It felt like a blissful white light pouring into me, reactivating parts of my DNA and clearing debris from my cells. I couldn’t sleep again afterwards and then a thought experiment came to me which...
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Choosing to thrive, not survive
I have just moved to the Canary Islands, and it feels soooooo good. This is part of my journey with worthiness: feeling worthy to thrive, even in these times when the collective programming is so strongly trying to push us into a survival mode founded on fear and lack.
I arrived...
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Creating a home
In the last week I have rescued another deeply buried inner child who needed a lot of love. It turns out that she really wants to have a home of her own. A stable, safe place that feels like hers, where she can create a cosy feminine nest.
During the last 3 years I have...
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Radical self love!
It’s time to love EVERY part of yourself! Especially all of the parts that you’ve been conditioned to feel ashamed of or weird about in the past. Love your whole body and all of its amazing bodily functions: your genitals, your anus, your farts, your menstrual blood, your body...
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