1:1 WORK
Living free from shame conditioning
I believe that one of the most insidious ways humanity has been manipulated and separated from Truth is through the invention of the concept of Original Sin: the idea that we are somehow innately imperfect, damaged or impure. That we ‘fell from grace’ in the garden of Eden and have...
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Pleasure, expansion, abundance!
Six months ago I started working with a new coach and in our first session we explored my intention. What came through was ‘I open myself to receive unimaginable pleasure.’ And this has started me off on a crazy beautiful journey exploring more and more ways to invite joy and ease...
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Finding internal balance
My inner Divine Masculine and inner Divine Feminine are finding such a beautiful balance in my daily life now. He provides her with a safe contained structure, so that she can fly high and free but land gracefully. She feels safe to experience everything, express herself and be met with his...
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Honouring my cycles and blood
I am bleeding today and I put almost everything on hold in order to just rest, be, release and surrender into the murky depths of the feminine shadow. It feels so nourishing to honour my natural rhythms in this way. I always feel the veil between this world and others thinner at this time in my...
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A new paradigm of desire and abundance
I bought a new dress last week and I think it marks a turning point in my life.
For the last 3 years I have been living a simple life, outside of mainstream society as much as possible. I have consciously allowed programming and social conditioning to seep out of my being. I let my leg...
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Living my soul purpose
Tonight I experienced new depths of the joy and expansiveness that come from living one’s soul purpose. Four sisters, aged from 22 to 67, came over for a yoni steaming ritual that I had proposed. None of us had ever done yoni steaming before and we had no plans or expectations for how...
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Healing sisterhood wounds
For so many generations women have been taught to view each other as threats or rivals. The scarcity programming made us believe that there are not enough loyal men to go around, not enough resources, not enough love. This creates a mentality of separation, fear and competition. Even if we are...
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Feminine ROAR!
Nature is raw and wild and powerful. And yet, she is so gentle and loving and nurturing. She is both things simultaneously, just like the Divine Feminine. Women are so often encouraged to show only the soft side of their feminine essence, but having access to the deep reserves of power too is...
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Appreciating the cycles of life
Our current mainstream societies and economies are extremely focused on doing, producing and consuming: they seem to demand constant growth and expansion. There is so little time built in for rest or rejuvenation or reflection, and so little appreciation for the natural processes of entropy and...
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Sending the vibration of abundance into the world!
It’s interesting that money is a taboo subject - kind of like sex. These are two things that most people desire deeply, (or maybe they repress that desire!) yet both are shrouded with so much shame and guilt and limiting conditioning. So, time to release all that and shine light on my...
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