1:1 WORK

✨How self-pleasuring every day for a month changed my life✨

It was a turning point for me: the moment when I committed to making self-pleasure a non-negotiable part of my life. 

Every afternoon for the month of February 2021 I closed the door on the little van I was living in, lit my candles, laid out my special ritual pleasure blanket and dropped in deeply with my own sweet body for 45 minutes or so, to meet whatever was there - be that numbness, tingling joy, ecstatic orgasms, rage, grief or anything else. 

Slowly, over the course of the month, I began to FEEL my body and her subtly varied sensations more than ever before. My orgasms got much more delicious. But also, the reserves of pleasure I nurtured in my practice times spilled out to bless my wider life in ways I never would have predicted.

I felt more turned on by LIFE: food tasted better, the colours of nature seemed brighter, my dance got wilder and freer. Inspiration for work would bubble up from my womb space during pleasure practices and it would feel effortless afterwards to take action on it from the overflow of energy I’d cultivated. 

When I truly prioritised pleasure, it was a timeline jump into a whole different way of being. 

This decision to prioritise pleasure goes against a lot of what we have been socially conditioned to believe about pleasure. It’s contrary to the stories that tell us pleasure is a nice bonus we can enjoy if we have some time and energy left after completing our list of To Dos. 

Or that it’s a way to blow off steam at the end of a long day. 

Or that we need to feel sexual arousal before we connect with our bodies in self-pleasure. 

When we approach our self-pleasure with a more holistic lens instead, each time we go to our body it is an opportunity to nourish ourselves deeply with loving presence and touch - no matter whether we experience orgasmic pleasure or not. And ultimately, cultivating more connection with the truth of our bodies and with our sensual pleasure is a gateway to feeling more turned on by the whole wild experience of life. 

You don’t need to start by dedicating 45 minutes to your pleasure every day for a month like I did… even just a few minutes of intentional time focused on your body and pleasure 3 times a week is an amazing start. 

That’s why I have created the Exquisite Pleasure intro pack. The pack contains three 5-6 minute long meditation practices that will help you connect more with the sensual pleasure of your body in very simple ways. 

You can do a practice in the car while parked waiting for a friend, or as a quick early-morning practice in bed when you wake up. Or you can create a ritual space and use all three as a way to warm up your body before a longer self-pleasure practice. 

Interested in trying them out? You can download the practices for free using the link on the homepage.

Sending you so much love! xx

P.S. Photo is with one of my yoni eggs. Such a powerful little tool for cultivating awareness of sensation within the yoni! 

22nd November 2022