Are you a single woman who desires to experience a whole new level of sexual intimacy and delicious passion in your next relationship?

Do you want to meet a partner who is a confident, sexually mature lover, who can lead you both into deep states of sexual bliss and surrender?

And to feel confident and radiant in your own sexuality as you enter that new partnership?

If so, you are in the right place. Soulful Solo Sex has been carefully designed to help you awaken the power of your OWN sacred sexuality… so that you become magnetic to a partner who’s ready to play at the level you desire and deserve. 

No more waiting around for Mr Right to come and erotically awaken you.

No more attracting men who aren’t very committed to their sexual awakening work, feeling frustrated that you can’t go as deep together as you’d like. 

No more feeling shy, hesitant or sexually insecure as you begin dating someone new. 

Instead, you get to experience the joy and fulfillment of mastering your own erotic energy, becoming your own dream lover. And from that place of overflow, the right partner will be magnetised to you with ease. 

"Liberating, life-changing, holy-fuck-why-did-I-wait-this-long-to-do-this?!

I’ve been working 1x1 with Debs for the last couple of months and have been BLOWN AWAY by the amount of transformation I've seen from our sessions. The way I can now relate to my sexual energy, thanks to her help and holding, is incomparable to what it was before! 
Before working with Debs, I was experiencing a lot of shame around my sexuality, my desires, and my intimate relationships in general. And even though I’ve done a lot of inner work, the block felt impenetrable. I knew I was so far from experiencing the fullness of my sexuality, my power, all of me. But I had no idea how to get from where I was to where I wanted to be.
With Debs’ guidance and holding, I was able to work with and shift the shame within three sessions together. It was mind-blowing! Since then, I’ve felt this spaciousness around intimacy and dating. I’m not afraid to be the wild, sensual woman that I am! It’s like a brick wall came down, and now there is just a wide horizon of potential in front of me. I know that working with Debs is the greatest thing I’ve ever done for my sexuality.”
- Leona

How does Soulful Solo Sex work?

There are three pillars to this work:

  1. Heal old sexual wounds and conditioning

From socially conditioned sexual shame, to not-100%-consensual sexual experiences, or even downright abusive situations - there are many kinds of experience related to your sexuality that can leave an imprint and subtly cause you to shut down your sexual power and radiance. 

Releasing these imprints from your body-mind creates the opportunity for your body to return to its natural blueprint... sensitive, receptive and attuned to pleasure.

We will use tantric alchemy tools and practices to help you heal the old imprints on the emotional, physical and mental levels and return your yoni to her natural sensitivity. 


2. Pleasure ignition!

In this part of the journey, you will learn what your body REALLY enjoys in pleasure, so that you feel confident, joyful and playful about your sexuality and are excited to share that with your next partner. 

Using a mixture of holistic self pleasure techniques and holistic sexuality rituals, you will learn new ways to awaken pleasure in your body and circulate it throughout your energy field, so you become radiant with your own unique life force essence. 


3. Tantric Initiation 

Receive initiation into the mysteries of sacred sexuality, where your pleasure becomes a form of worship and communion with the Divine that you can later also share with a partner. 

You will learn tantric rituals that will guide you to experience your sexuality as devotional and prayerful, and re-wire your nervous system to be able to hold more pleasure, so that you can experience mind-altering states of sexual bliss. 

What you will receive by journeying through Soulful Solo Sex
  • An embodied connection to your own sexual magnetism, so you attract sexually mature men who are a real match for you
  • A new feeling of confidence as you date or meet new men
  • The capacity to experience much deep sexual intimacy with your future partner
  • The confidence to identify and express your own sexual desires and boundaries clearly
  • A new creativity and playfulness in your sexual expression
  • Deeper, more satisfying and varied orgasmic experiences
  • A profound love and appreciation for your own female body and genitals

  • A deeply embodied sense of the sacredness, beauty and innocence of sexuality - including the release of any shame or guilt
  • Healing of any numb, tender or painful spots in the yoni, to create much greater sensitivity to subtle pleasure

“Wow, in just 3 sessions you really helped me to name and connect with different natures and vibes of my orgasmic pleasure. In the first session, with your help, I clarified this goal of flowing in between both climax orgasmic experiences and more oceanic surrendered orgasmic experiences. At that time I didn’t realise HOW I could actually flow in between them… but in the third session we had today… I realised it was happening! It was really beautiful. I was having this slow, yet orgasmic experience and I was feeling so pleasure-filled, calm, super non-reactive, flowing in my own energy circuit - it was a pleasure to be around my kids in this state after our session! Big thanks for facilitating this space for me. Thank you so much!

- Anna

Soulful Solo Sex is for you if:

Soulful Solo Sex is NOT for you if:

Schedule your 40-minute Discovery Call below. Together, we'll help you get clarity about what your next level of sexual empowerment might look like and what your current challenges are. If it seems that Soulful Solo Sex could be a match for you, I'll share more details about the program, and you can ask any further questions that you have. 

How is the Soulful Solo Sex journey structured?

Eight 45-minute holistic sexuality guided practices.

This is the backbone of Soulful Solo Sex. By showing up regularly to be with your body in new ways you actually re-write your nervous system wiring and create lasting change. 

These 8-sessions have been carefully curated based on my years of studying and working in female sexuality. They take you on a gentle, pleasure-filled journey that re-writes your relationship with your sexuality from the inside out. 

The first few weeks are all about creating safety in the body (learning to hear your yoni's yes/no) and creating a foundation of love and devotion towards your female body. 

Then the middle section is about becoming a pleasure detective... getting really clear about what is happening in your body in your regular pleasure habits (Tensing? Shortness of breath? Quick movement?) and exploring what feels even better for you if you step outside of the habitual ways. You'll learn to give yourself a deliciously nourishing, healing yoni massage and you'll learn yoni de-armouring to create greater sensitivity in the yoni. 

Finally, in the last weeks you'll explore a whole host of new ways of cultivating pleasure in your body, techniques to awaken orgasm in new parts of the body, archetypes that can help you access more pleasure, and ways to bring even deeper devotion to your practice, turning it into prayer.

Eight 1:1 hour long live sessions with me.

Here we'll identify and connect with the highest vision and timeline of your sexuality that's opening up to you. We'll pinpoint what is blocking you from already having that, and do precisely tailored shadow work (a mixture of ancient tantric alchemy practices and modern practices like inner child work and breathwork) to help you to shift sexual karma from this lifetime and beyond, so that you can step into this whole new sexual reality. 

A bumper pack of short pleasure activation practices.

These are mini practices, from 5-20 minutes long. They provide a great way for you to make your pleasure a regular priority even when life gets busy! 

You will receive some gentle body-mind connection practices immediately at the start of the course, and more will be added as we move through the 1:1 work, related to the exact themes that come up in our work together. 

Two 25-minute tantric shadow alchemy practices.

These are focused tantric embodiment practices that you can use to burn through sexual karma and old beliefs super fast. If you find a layer of sexual shame bubbling up in a self-pleasure practice... great, bring it to a shadow alchemy practice! If you hear your mother's voice telling you it's wrong to be so wild... bring it to your tantric alchemy practice! 

Midweek email and voicenote support. 

I am available to answer your questions and offer additional tailored support and guidance in between sessions by email and by Voxer voice message from Monday-Friday. You're warmly welcome to contact me as often as you feel called. 

 The journey takes between 9-12 weeks, depending on how many integration breaks you desire to take (at least one is highly recommend, more are optional). You will have full control over when you desire to schedule the 1:1 sessions and when you desire to take a week off for integration. 

“I can’t tell you how much sexual healing you have catalysed within me! I am fully stepping into my sex magic and power!"
"When I started working with Deborah, I had blocks around allowing myself to be loved and expressing my love. And I knew something was going on with my sacral chakra - I closed it down. Something was blocked. During our first session… I immediately felt so deeply understood, safe, expanded, loved, welcomed, accepted, and honored. 
We released darkness related to sex that my soul had been holding onto for thousands of years. I was BLOWN AWAY. Together, we discovered I had a belief [which] wasn’t allowing me to see and make love with the man of my dreams, because I feared I was going to be used.
I could feel the power of my sexuality return to my being, oozing sexuality and power through me. It was such a release. I felt the light and dark of my sexuality integrate shamelessly! My sacral chakra reopened and let’s just say it was….SUPER ACTIVE! I can’t express how vital it was. I highly recommended Deborah. Gift yourself. Allow yourself to love without limit and to let life fill your being to its fullest capacity.”
- Angelica

What's the investment for Soulful Solo Sex?



Including EIGHT 1:1 live sessions with Debs. 




Including FOUR 1:1 live sessions with Debs. 


You deserve to experience deeply satisfying sacred lovemaking. You deserve to be in a partnership where you feel truly met in intimacy. And it's my pleasure to be here to support you in creating that reality for yourself.

To find out more, schedule your 40-minute Discovery Call below. Together, we'll help you get clarity about what your next level of sexual empowerment might look like and what your current challenges are. If it seems that Soulful Solo Sex could be a match for you, I'll share more details about the program, and you can ask any further questions that you have.